Thursday, June 17, 2010

Anderson California

I have just recently taken up residence in a small town in Northern California by the name of Anderson!  It seems that I cannot find any blogs about, relating to or originating from Anderson, ca. and am here wit launching The "Anderson Orb" Blogspot!  I wanted to change over and make it "Anderson Life" but someone else already loaded that one up!!

I reserve the right to write whatever I please, whenever, about whomever as associated within my small world! I do not proclaim to be unbiased nor non-judgemental on any accounts, only that everyone is entitled to their opinions and this Blog just happens to reflect mine!!

If you do not agree with my opinions, dislike my point of view or otherwise become offended by my writings I do hereby formally extend my apologies for your outrage and acknowledge that you have the right to do the same!

 Thank You Very Much and HANL!