Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Attention: Shasta County Friends & Residents... HELP!

Please ~ Attention Friends Of Shasta County! I Have a Horrible CATastrophe! I am so Crazy, I can't THINK of anyTHING to Do!
~My Neighbor, we called Crazy Jane because...it fit... She evidently DIED in her house and nobody KNEW! :O For "Awhile"... :O
Apparently, she was a Hoarder Worthy of her OWN "Hoarders" Program! :O
Unfortunately, our neighborhood was already Besieged by her "Hoard" of CATS...Before...
NOW, her Brother shows up from out of State to try to "Handle" the situation! The House is Practically Destroyed! We were discussing his situation and how much there was to do to try to clean it up...So, I approached him about what he was going to do about the Cats?
*What do you MEAN, "Nothing"!?*
Well, I took away all the Food and Water, so, they will just have to find somewhere else to go!"
*That is Crazy! What do you mean they just have to go away??"
They are just going to go out to all the Neighbors!"*
"Well then, They can call Animal Control or Something I Guess!"

I am like WTF? That is Crazy As Hell!

I Called Animal Control...They sent someone out pretty quick...
THEN, Well, Apparently they just declared that the whole lot of them are "Feral" and there is NOTHING they can/WILL do!!

I am totally going crazy over here! There are about 15-20 cats over there, starving, drinking out of the gutter and now even coming over and attacking MY Kitties and trying to come in my House! I know for a FACT the Neighbors are experiencing that and more...There are Baby Kitties, Teens and Adults, but, they are not "Tame" even though they have been born and raised right THERE! With someone feeding them Every Single Day, putting out fresh water! WTF??

Some of them are Sickly too! I have tried to call Rescue People and Everything! NOBODY Seems to be able to do ANYTHING at all! A couple expressed the Desire to help, but, could NOT! This situation is Crazy! It is weeks straight of over 100 Degrees out there, he took away their only source of Water, they have NEVER had to "Fend" and know NOTHING but to sit in street or yard, looking for someone to feed them!

I snuck out there to put some food and scraps a couple of times, but, I Cannot handle THIS, This needs Professional People to handle this situation! I am not only not Physically ABLE to try to "Trap" or do anything else!! Plus, I have MY Own Cats AND a Full House Family on Board right now too!

I Am at my WIts End! Is there such a thing as a "Cat Wrangler" out there?? How much do you think they would Charge?? I am literally Crying from all this with NO Recourse??

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Shasta County ~ Killing Me NOT So Softly....NO ON A! PLEASE!!

Measure A is a Back Door Attempt to Criminalize even Possession of Cannabis! The People have already voted for and handed out guidelines for these issues! The Law Enforcement Already Has Rules to go by when dealing with these issues, they are declaring it is too hard to check on these compliance's? What if it was someone complaining about a Puppy Mill, someone operating a construction business out of their home or even someone selling home cooked FOOD? All of these are "Compliance Issues" that have guidelines, regulations and are dealt with! These crimes are "Investigated" and issues are "Settled"! Someone calls about a woman with 100 cats, LE show up and they only see 10-12...can they tell?? How far do they go to check the details? Law Enforcement can't tell the difference between 10-12 plants and 100? If there is a question, check the Paperwork! Simple, how is that too difficult to deal with? WHY?? Why keep at us?? (laziness?$grubbing?morality??)
Increased Crime? Because someone could be robbed? If it (herb) was not being squeezed to death it would have very little value! (I know a guy that owns 3 Rolex watches and just bought a $20,000 painting!) If he gets robbed at gun point is it because he asked for it?
Because the smell is "Offensive" to many? Although I like it, I know most do not, however, offensive and HARMFUL to me is the guy behind me that keeps spraying some kind of "Bug Killer" around his house and it sends me into an Asthma Attack, seizing my lungs!!! It lingers for WEEKS and I have to be careful to avoid that Entire Side of the house! I even am more bothered by the morons that make burn piles all around their properties and then proceed to throw everything they can lay their hands on into it! I just heard of a town that was trying to criminalize stinky humans...got BO?...are you next?
It is Redundant and Restrictive to keep coming at us with more and more Intense and ridiculous laws, fees, fines, enforcement & regulations...for a PLANT, MY Medicine! Yes, My Medicine! I do not buy my part B anymore because I do not use 3/4 of the prescriptions I used to! But now, I cannot grow a single plant in my own yard OR House!! I have had to join with someone living in a rural area to help me, but this (New Ban on ANYTHING Outdoor!!) will even be preventing people like me from being able to grow a few plants out on our own rural properties! My friends and I grow 3 plants each, four of us, out in the "Boonies", no where near any "Public Land", neighbors are 1/4 mile away, we pay for water, (drip system to save!), don't use chemicals and do NOT Sell our Medicine to ANYONE! THIS would force the END of THAT and we would have to rely on some big Commercial Grow somewhere, using chemicals and Lord Knows what! Why?? This M-A Also is sneaky in a lot of other ways too...what happened to that old line about "Less Government" controlling our lives?

**Please Vote NO On Measure A!**

Friday, August 22, 2014

Out-N-About ~ Makin Glass Really Cuts It!! !

It is just a small building, tucked away behind and between things there on Douglas St, here in my little part of the world, Anderson, CA! But, I can assure you there is a LOT Going on in this Big Hearted Studio!

I popped in, unannounced and without warning, with one of my Grands in tow! I Just wanted to show her around, and, what do you know, we ended up with a Grand View of what was literally "In Store" for "Class" participants! Wow!  Everyone in studio was Open, sharing and eager to show what they were doing and how it was done!

Kim Makin has a dedication to her Craft, Art and to her Studio!  It shows in many ways, most assuredly, it shows in the Faces of the People that are there, around her, backs bent, eyes narrowed and totally Enthralled with what they are doing!

Looking around the studio and seeing the Hundreds of Projects and the signs of Years of Artists making their way through was Inspiring and exciting!  There is something so special about a piece that you can clearly see the Arduous and Loving Work of Creative Hands!

My Grand is now Chomping at the bit and Very Eager to take on the chance to do some of the things she saw and I am so Happy to see that spark of fire ignited!

Thank You Kim and all the rest!  Looking forward to seeing more and getting some experience under the tin roof tucked away like a Treasure!


Makin Glass & pottery
2908 Douglas Street
Anderson, CA  96007

Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 New Year ~ New Age!!

Wow, my little world has been mighty full of life lately!  So much so, that I barely have had time to stick my head out the door and breathe, much less get a feel for what has been happening around my little town here!  Thankfully a quiet place it seems and no uproar is good when MY Planet is taking up so much "air"!

I will say that most of my time was consumed by the Holiday's and the care of my 4 Grandchildren as well as all the other life "Trimmings" that go on over that whole Entire period from Thanksgiving to New Years!  I am not complaining by any means, just explaining!

My Life is Awesome!  As I am Basking in the glow of the wonderful life my Hunny Provides for me, I Pause in Gratitude ~ THIS Day of Celebration of His Life ~ With the Love of Mine! Spinning the Positive Energies to a Toast for the New Year!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

City Of Anderson Planning Commission Votes My Medication Out Of Town!

I know I am about to loose some "Friends" overall with this next statement, I am sorry if you are Offended, Outraged or Otherwise Affected by this "Coming Out"...I am a Medical Marijuana Patient! YES, I am OUT of that Closet! I have a Debilitating, YES, Debilitating Condition, Arachnoiditis w/ Myoclonic Dystonia, a little left over from a spinal chord injury! I use MARIJUANA instead of FAR MORE HORRENDOUSLY POWERFUL DRUGS!!!

I am MAD as Hell and yes, I KNOW I AM YELLING!! LET me tell you why... The Anderson City Planners have voted to shut down the ONLY COLLECTIVE in town!! This is after they (earlier this year) OUTLAWED GROWING!!! Well, ALL out door Growing of even a single Plant and then I guess, if you have about $10,000 to "COMPLY" with their RIDICULOUS Fees (City), Permits (Building, Electrical & Plumbing!) , Inspections (Building, Electrical, Plumbing and City inspector too)  Regulations you can grow 2-3 plants in a specially designed "Growing Shed" only? I can't afford THAT!!!

Now I have NO place to get my Prescription filled unless I get a ride into Redding!! Why? Who is being hurt? Who did they ASK? They said they asked 100 people? What? When? Nobody EVER asked ME!!!! Hordes of People showed up to protest but they would not DEIGN to hear one bit!! I swear to Heaven I wish Someone could make them LISTEN & HEAR!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

City of Anderson and The Way "Hunt" Hit Huge!

What a beautiful turnout for the united efforts of the Anderson & Way Team effort to bring a great Easter Egg Hunt and FREE BBQ too to Anderson!!  Wow, it was really great!  From what I could see, getting there Late was not a good idea, I rolled up on Volante Park just in time to see the last of the HUGE CROWDS leaving the fields!  Parking was scant, but I saw baskets flowing with Eggs and Smiles as broad as could be on children of all ages!  The adults looked like they were pretty Happy Too as they walked, laughed and talked about the "Hunt" and the Upcoming BBQ!  It smelled wonderful, I saw the Guys over there hard at work and even stopped to say howdy! Hip-Hip-Hooray! ") 

Just a big Thank-You and Awesome Job!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Anderson "Rehab Home" Is Having A WIld Party For Babies!

That would be the Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center!

They are located just on the backside (?sorta) of Anderson River Park and this Saturday, April 2, starting at 10 a.m., they are having their Annual "Open House & Baby Shower"! It is FREE as well as the ONLY time that it is open to the Public for Tours!!  Please, come down and see some of the Shelters Inhabitants, find out what they do here and what wonderful people there are involved with the ONLY Wildlife Rescue in Northern CA!

This time of year they are gearing up for the upcoming "Baby Season", the Center is inundated during the Spring with all types of Emergencies!  They are always in need, but this time of year it is especially hard, so check out the "Gift List", bring something if you can, and enjoy the day with your Family!

Positive Energy Transcends! ~PET~