Saturday, August 13, 2011

City Of Anderson Planning Commission Votes My Medication Out Of Town!

I know I am about to loose some "Friends" overall with this next statement, I am sorry if you are Offended, Outraged or Otherwise Affected by this "Coming Out"...I am a Medical Marijuana Patient! YES, I am OUT of that Closet! I have a Debilitating, YES, Debilitating Condition, Arachnoiditis w/ Myoclonic Dystonia, a little left over from a spinal chord injury! I use MARIJUANA instead of FAR MORE HORRENDOUSLY POWERFUL DRUGS!!!

I am MAD as Hell and yes, I KNOW I AM YELLING!! LET me tell you why... The Anderson City Planners have voted to shut down the ONLY COLLECTIVE in town!! This is after they (earlier this year) OUTLAWED GROWING!!! Well, ALL out door Growing of even a single Plant and then I guess, if you have about $10,000 to "COMPLY" with their RIDICULOUS Fees (City), Permits (Building, Electrical & Plumbing!) , Inspections (Building, Electrical, Plumbing and City inspector too)  Regulations you can grow 2-3 plants in a specially designed "Growing Shed" only? I can't afford THAT!!!

Now I have NO place to get my Prescription filled unless I get a ride into Redding!! Why? Who is being hurt? Who did they ASK? They said they asked 100 people? What? When? Nobody EVER asked ME!!!! Hordes of People showed up to protest but they would not DEIGN to hear one bit!! I swear to Heaven I wish Someone could make them LISTEN & HEAR!!!